by vaughn skow August 31, 2011 2 min read
***This contest has ended! Se the latest contest to enter again!***
Hey ya’all. I am totally jazzed! I just got the green-light to make the month
of September a big give-away month on thisa here lil ol blog. I’m gonna start with our totally cool new t-shirts.
I’ll be giving away one THIS WEEK, and each week for the next three weeks. Then, in the last week of September, one of our t-shirt winners will have the honor of also receiving one of our new speaker models ... totally free ... our gift! Wanta know how to get the free stuff? Then READ ON!
So, here is the deal: We are excited about our new stuff, and we want that excitement to become downright contagious! To be entered to win a new WGS shirt, just post a comment to this blog saying you would like to be entered. Then check back next week to see if you won. How simple is that? If you don’t win this week, I’ll be doing it again for the next three weeks.
Now, here is where it gets really good: After we send you your totally awesome, and totally free WGS shirt, go out and take some pictures of yourself in it, or your wife/girlfriend, maybe even your dog. Maybe have your picture taken in front of a landmark while wearing the shirt, holy cow; maybe have your pic taken with someone famous while wearing the shirt. Hey, a professional super-model wearing the shirt and little else would be fun. The idea is this: send us some totally radical, awesome pic that includes your new WGS shirt (send as many as you like). Email your pics to me at Maybe get your pic on television or a website ... impress us, and by all means, have fun with it!
At the end of September, we will choose the coolest pic to receive one of our new uber-cool Liberator or Invader speakers (your choice).
To get started, simply add your reply/comment to this blog. You’re odds are pretty darn good! Oh, and by entering, you agree that we can use your super-cool pictures on this website.
That’s about it! Enter away gang! September is gonna be great.
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