by vaughn skow September 20, 2010 2 min read
Okay my friends; here we go again, another speaker
giveaway!!! This time, in honor of International
Peace Day, we are allowing you to choose a speaker from either our British
or our awesome American line! PAY
ATTENTION! Here is how this contest is
going to work: Email me your best WGS
story - a testimonial to how adding a WGS speaker has improved your tone or
even your life in general (it’s been rumored that sex lives improve after the
addition of a WGS speaker to the household).
I wanta know details here, what was the amp model, how exactly did the
tone improve, and of course, what kind of comments do you now get on your tone. No fibbing here, keep it real. Just send me an email at Vaughn@wgs4.comwith MY TESTAMONIAL DUDE! as the subject.
Include a photo of you or your rig too, if you can. On Monday,
the 4th of October a winner will be chosen. The winner will be chosen by all of us here
at WGS based on who has the most fantastic, yet authentic testimonial. I keep hearing from all of you out there how
much you love our speakers; well here is your chance to parlay your love fest
into a free speaker, cool, huh? Read on
for all the pesky little details.
Pick your choice of one of the eight following speaker models:
From the British Side: a Reaper, HM75, Veteran 30, or Green Beret.
Or from the American Side: a G8C, G10C, G12C, or G15C
Please indicate the following in your email:
No purchase necessary.
WGS employees and their family are not eligible.
Previous contest winners are not eligible.
Only one entry per person, household, or email address.
On Monday, the 4th of October, a winner will be chosen, regardless of the number of responses. Odds will vary depending on entries, but are expected to be no more than 100:1 - so your odds are very good!
By entering the contest, you agree to have your name and/or picture shown on the WGS website.
Comments will be approved before showing up.