by vaughn skow March 15, 2012 4 min read
I’ll state the obvious once again: WGS customers are a cut above the rest; my latest contest proves this in spades! In my blog four weeks ago, I asked you all to design your custom dream-speaker and then explain why you chose the components you did. Of the 150 or so entries, almost all were truly stellar. Wow, you all know your stuff; given your styles and tone objectives, you all made some great choices, backed up by sound reasoning. It was insanely difficult for Dean, WGS production manager, to pick just one that stood out head-and-shoulders above the rest. And so, he didn’t. Dean actually chose THREE winners! In fact, we are still working on a way to make ALL of you who entered winners ... but we gotta sell the President, David on that idea!
Okay, so are ya ready? (drum roll please) Here are our threewinning entries: (READ ON)
To be given away on March 15th? ET tu Vaugn? Awesome! I need something to compliment my 2 WGS G10 C/S that I bought last year. They are incredible. But ultimately the speaker will not be for me rather than for my son. He is an up and coming young musician. I am a working class stiff with no fortune to leave anyone when I go. I want to leave him the sweetest guitar rig ever. I made a hand built Matchless Dc 30 clone with all the original parts plus trannies. It is an incredible amp. I also have a 20 year old strat to compliment it. It would be something that I would proud to leave for him to enjoy. I think that the WGS speakers will make a mark in musical history and be the next sought after vintage speakers as all of the older manufacturers are disappearing. It great to see the words USAon a music product in this day and age. Thanks for the best sound imaginable, you guys truly rock!
Name: Wishbone
Style of music I play: blues and classic rock
Magnet (Heavy or Medium): medium
Power (30, 65, 90 watt):30
Dope (heavy, med, none):med
Dope type (Britt or American):American
Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):ET
Reasoning behind my choices: My amp is 15/30 watts so a lower power works best for me. I can get some breakup at lower volumes. The speaker will compliment the G10 C/S that I have. Will also let me have a separate 12 and 2x10 cab for variety.
#2: Custom Speaker Giveaway!
Name: CJ Summerfield
Style of music I play: My original stuff is rock (AOR)
Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy
Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65
Dope (heavy, med, none): Med.
Dope type (Britt or American): American
Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET
Reasoning behind my choices: I really like the concept behind your company, great ideas! I am going to lay down my final GTR solo tracks for my new CD and I would love to use the new speaker for that. I'll put it in the inside notes as well...CJ
This is AWESOME!...just had to say that.
Name: John Sparrow
Style of music I play: Blues, Classic Rock
Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium
Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30
Dope (heavy, med, none): medium
Dope type (Britt or American): Brittish
Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET65
Reasoning behind my choices: Let me start by saying that I am really just a self taught rec room guitarist and will probably run the same amp forever. I run a strat through a 5 watt class A tube amp with the 75 watt stock speaker. The strat has a set of fender alnico strat pups which are under wound by today’s standards and just don’t push the amp very hard. I chose 30 watts to bring the speaker closer to the output of the amp in order to get a bit more warmth. Went with medium British style dope for durability without any damping. I thought hard about no dope to keep it as touch sensitive as possible, but I don’t want to ever have to replace this thing. I chose the et65 cap because I tend to turn treble down on this amp as it seems a bit on the bright side. I LOVE the clean sound clip of the 80 watt liberator and according to the description it is based on the et65 with more midrange. Basically, if I could have a 30 watt liberator in one of those cool orange baskets, I could die happy
Thanks for listening
No, thank YOU, Mr. Sparrow! And, thanks to all of you who took the time to “dream” with us. Seriously, Dean & I are in agreement that we want to come up with a way for ALL of you who entered to be winners; stay tuned to this blog to see how all that pans out!
Okay, now, you three winners have to email me with the address you want your dream speaker shipped to! ( Please allow a few weeks, as this is a custom build all the way around (even the labels)!
And now, I’m going to introduce my new end to each weekly blog: A link to one of my personal favorite blogs! Each week I will share a blog that really trips my trigger, most will be guitar and tone related, and some will not. This week I start with one of the latter. At the church where I serve as the contemporary music guy, I share an office with Youth Director Gavin Richardson.
Turns out Gavin is a long time blogger, and quite the wordsmith, so: I recommend you check out his blog! ( See ya next week!
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